In August Darren, Isaac and Bunumbirr headed off from Gove on what would be an epic journey covering five states – sharing from the God’s Dreaming banner, preaching the gospel, seeing healings, salvations and deliverance for many.
At Oenpelli (near Kakadu National Park, NT) it is reported that people had the revelation to let go of the old ways and follow Jesus "one way" (there is much syncretism amongst Indigenous Christians in the NT; a combining of the Gospel and culture).
Next, the team headed to Mareeba, far North Queensland, to present the banner at a pastors and leaders gathering with Carl Musch.
They then visited Arakoon, Coen, Weipa and Cairns. Bunumbirr returned to Gove after Cairns. The Lord took him in a vision to heaven. Since then his wife, family, many adults and children have been seeing visions of Jesus, angels and heaven. People are coming to Jesus daily in this area including on Elcho Island where Bunumbirr visited with the banner on his return home to the NT.
Darren and Isaac then continued south to Bowen. Their photo and story of Gods Dreaming appeared on the front page of the Bowen newspaper.
They then travelled to Rockhampton and Townsville, presenting God's Dreaming along the way. Then on to Brisbane.
They have had opportunities to speak on a radio station at Harvey Bay an have spoken at a men's breakfast, in churches and in the market place.
If you would like to give towards the travel costs of this fruitful trip, please donate, marking your donation "I&D".